Architecture 4.0
We Gamify Going Green!
GreenGoWeb is a pioneer in using gamification for the common good. We harness the power of one by engaging participants in a fun and easy way to take actions, which add up to a big collective impact for a sustainable future.
Collective Intelligence Processes & Data for the Common Good
GreenGoWeb® designs collaboration spaces and processes that fully engage your stakeholders and co-construct sustainable programs to serve your mission.
What kind of collective engineering strategies do you need to unleash Collective Intelligence and gather data in your community?
How do you transform data into information that can further be used to develop services for governments or non-stakeholder organizations?
Based on “Data 4 Good” GreenGoWeb® (GGW) builds an Information Patrimony for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and together we co-construct collective intelligence processes that provide insights for your projects and smart services.
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Gamification for the Common Good
We Make Change Happen!
GGW methodologies and processes are based on co-construction and the data gathered are refined into information and insights.
These are then managed as an Information Patrimony to develop programs and services that serve your mission. Besides, GGW strategies use Gamification and Human in the Loop approaches.
We're on a mission to empower people by respecting their data ownership and using collective intelligence as a force for good to accelerate the 2030 Agenda.
We're on a mission to engage people in bottom-up actions with gamification, to contribute to a more sustainable world.
Technology needs to serve society and we want to develop AI for Good to speed up human response to natural disasters and resource scarcity.
Climate Change has to be tackled by citizens, in order to co-create an index for sustainable behaviors in public and private organizations and accelerate our positive impact on the planet.
Bottom-up Data Collection for the Common Good
Gamification & Hackathon
Behaviors & Metrics
3Smart Dashboard
Data Visualization
Impact & Next Steps
Citizen-Driven Data for Sustainable Change
Efficiency 4 Action
Since 2012, GGW provides methodologies to analyze and implement strategies that are relevant to your mission and the SDGs.
GGW designs collaboration spaces and processes to fully engage all stakeholders and co-construct sustainable programs.
These methodologies contribute to improving resource management and services; thus helping to respond to challenges linked to the Digital Transition and Millenials in the workplace.
- Analysis
- Co-construction
- Strategies
- Program
- Support
- Evaluation
Team 4 Impact
GGW provides organizations with Online Sustainability Campaigns that can be easily integrated to motivate "Green Teams" to reduce an organization's overall CO2 footprint.
The difference in consumption is tracked in real time and metrics (certified by Quantis Intl.) can easily be embedded in the Annual or CSR Report.
In addition, participants own their value-driven projects, services or products.
P&G Campaign Launch during Paris COP21, and international conferences at Dubaï WETEX, Globe Vancouver, World Sustainability Forum, COP23 and COP24.
Gamification 4 Engagement
As part of the Climate-KIC Coaching Network, we develop workshops to help individuals create bottom-up projects in an interactive way.
The team uses cutting-edge methodology to foster Collaborative Leadership in the field of Sustainable Development.In addition, GGW provides workshop facilitation using the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY (TM) METHOD to map the organization CSR strategy.
What the Media Says
Le Nouvelliste, Mars 2019 - CH
IISD Reporting Services, COP24, Katowice, December 2018 - PL
Collective Intelligence Processes and Data for the Common Good in Climate Change Mitigation
Presented by GreenGoWeb in collaboration with International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
"Marie-Laure Burgener, GreenGoWeb, said that bottom-up data is important, as it enables understanding of what decisions people make for sustainability. She noted that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) globally would be hampered by missing the data of millions of people who are excluded from national censuses."
Aarau, Stadtmuseum, PLAY Exhibit, September 2018 - CH
Exhibit on: 21.9.18-7.7.19
First European Exhibit on Games in Society, Education and Politics at the City Museum in Aarau (Switzerland).
GreenGoWeb is featured as part of the four examples on Gamification.
PresseSprecher, Juni 2018 - DE
Gamification in der Internen Kommunikation
CNN Money, May 2018 - CH
Interview at Forum des 100
GreenGoWeb's Founder, MarLa Burgener, is elected amongst the 100 personalities who shape French-speaking Switzerland in mobility and gives an interview on CNN Money Switzerland.
Le Temps, Décembre 2017 - CH
COP 23, Bonn, November 2017 - DE
Conference @ IETA BusinessHub
Fostering Bottom-up Initiatives to Accelerate the SDGs
This event will bring together experts on innovative bottom-up methodologies to accelerate SDGs implementation. For example, “Hackathons” stemming from computer culture, are short events gathering independent multidisciplinary teams of experts to solve a challenge. This unique method allows for subnational action by engaging non-state actors to help implement the SDGs while fostering innovation. A case study on the Pacific Islands will be featured.
IETA Program: http://www.ieta.org/COP23
Discover Germany, February 2017 - DE, AT
"Where Saving the Planet is Fun"
"GreenGoWeb is the smart company behind the genius idea to gamify sustainable practices. Satisfying the inner child whilst reducing our carbon footprint? This is how change really happens..."
COP22, PVBLIC - SDG Media Zone - MA
November 2016
The SDG Media Zone at COP22 in Marrakech was a great opportunity to talk about entrepreneurship and concrete initiatives to help individuals contribute to the UN 2020 Agenda.
Interview broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W03GZ_m_mI
PJ Investigation, April 2015 - CH
Article on GGW being invited to Swiss Pavilion at WETEX conference in Dubaï.
La Vie à Crans, Crans Montana Life
Winter 2014-2015
"We've created a Ponzi scheme on the planet's back and it's a debt we cannot pay back, even with our lives. It is time to act collectively for Climate Action." -- MarLa, Founder of GreenGoWeb
"Nous avons créé un jeu de l'avion (pyramide de Ponzi) sur le dos de la planète et c'est une dette que nous ne pouvons pas rembourser, même en la payant de nos vie. Il est temps d'agir collectivement pour l'action climatique." -- MarLa, fondatrice de GreenGoWeb
GreenGoWeb SARL, founded in 2012 by MarLa Burgener, is a Swiss company based in Geneva and Valais.
DNA: Ethics. Transparency. Respect. Swiss Made.
B-Corp Certified 2016
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